Ockers Assists Marshfield with Tech Upgrade
It will soon be easier for residents to tun in to Marshfield Selectman meetings from home. The hearing room where the governing body meets underwent a technical upgrade that included adding high definition cameras and a new sound mixer.
“Since I’ve been here, there’s been regular problems with the audio and with the video,” Town Administrator Rocco Longo said.
Marshfield Community Television owns and controls the equipment used to broadcast the town’s selectmen and school committee meetings, but when a problem occurs, calls come to Town Hall, Longo said.
Jonathan Grabowski, MCTV’s executive director, said the upgrades were part of the five-year plan he drafted for the studio about two years ago, but fell behind some other projects, such as moving the studio to the new Marshfield High School.
The equipment has been dated for well over a decade, he said.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the equipment is older than my interns and some of my staff,” Grabowski joked.
Once the new studio was set, he knew he could move forward with the renovation effort. He met with vendors in January and reviewed bid options before hiring Ockers Company of Norwood. The project cost just over $50,000 and was completed in five days earlier this month, Grabowski said.
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