News / Blog
Tips to Find a Reliable Printer and Copier Maintenance Provider
Printing in business is a double-edged sword. On one hand it is costly and printers and copiers seem to need constant maintenance. On the other hand, it can be a core part of a business’ operational strategy. In order to utilize printing, and keep costs down, businesses need access to affordable and reliable printer and…
Read MoreBest Practices for Protecting Your Mobile Devices While Traveling
We know that you might not feel comfortable traveling yet, and for good reason, but when you do, it is extremely important that you take steps to protect the technology you take with you on the road. Here are some of the best ways that you can keep your mobile devices safe while out of…
Read MorePrepare for These 4 Types of Disasters Before It’s Too Late
Businesses of all industries and sizes need to account for various disasters that could sink operations and lead to considerable costs associated with downtime. It is your responsibility as a business owner to identify what these disasters are and take steps toward addressing them, preferably before they become major problems that cost your organization time…
Read MoreIntroducing the Hybrid Workforce
The COVID-19 pandemic forced the way people worked drastically, and it did it very suddenly. As more people are being vaccinated, offices are starting to reopen. Workers, who gained substantial flexibility by working from home, however, are now expecting some of that flexibility to continue. Employers, who up until mandated shutdowns were not enthusiastic that…
Read MoreShould You Invest In Hardware or Move to the Cloud?
Regardless of their size, businesses need access to some considerable amounts of data nowadays. This means that even small businesses have situations to consider that not only carries data considerations, but operational considerations. Considering many businesses have shifted to a remote workforce (or some variant of it), it stands to reason that an organization’s hardware…
Read MoreFour Considerations for Your Business’ Security
Millions of people find themselves sitting in front of a computer moving files around and corresponding with people over the phone, through email, or updating info in the company’s line of business app. What many of them don’t know, however, is that, at any time, they are only a couple of clicks away from causing…
Read MoreAI Is Helping Businesses Be More Efficient
One of the most confusing technologies that has come down the pike over the past couple of years is artificial intelligence. AI, as it is being implemented by businesses, isn’t frightening, it is intriguing. This month we thought we’d go through three ways where AI is being utilized in the small business space. Cybersecurity The…
Read MoreMaking Sense of Bitcoin
Bitcoin is Digital Money Whoa, whoa, whoa…money? Yes! Like many other types of currency such as the yuan, the dollar, the euro, and the ruble, Bitcoin is real money. It is what is called a cryptocurrency and it is (very) slowly becoming a universally accepted currency. Its actual value comes from its scarcity, which we’ll…
Read MoreYour Business Needs a Well-Coordinated Backup
While there are assorted backup strategies available to businesses, the most important consideration to make is which of them will best fit your purposes. After all, different businesses create and collect different types of data, and losing that data therefore has different consequences for one than it would for another. Let’s take a moment to…
Read MoreIs This The End Of The Desktop Computer?
If you know me at all, you know I love technology. I usually like to check out the newest, latest gadgets. At the same time, I’m also very skeptical about overcomplicating my life, and adding unneeded security risks to the equation. It’s like two polar opposites are at war in my head at all times—I…
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